[sclug] Logitech wireless keyboard and gnome problems

pieter claassen pieter at claassen.co.uk
Mon Jan 9 20:22:59 UTC 2006

Hi Raz,

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 19:32 +0000, Roland Turner (SCLUG) wrote:

> David has already asked you the big problem-space-reducing question (X
> only, console only, or both?), I have some detail questions for you:

Ok, keys work fine in the console but not in X.

> - Are you only seeing "Unknown key released" messages?
As far as I can see ito. keyboard issues, the message quoted is all I
get that seems significant.

> - Your email suggests that you're getting '<' and '>' from this key; are
> you getting these _as_well_as_ the error messages, or do they occur at
> different times?

Yes, I get < when I press the slash key and > when I do the pipe key
(Shift slash)

> Presumably you selected that from the model selector, not the layout
> selector (yes, the UI doesn't make terribly clear that these are two
> completely different things).
> - Are you certain that you've selected the _same_ Logitech wireless
> (actually "Cordless" I think) model? There are a number (and one iTouch
> Cordless model that appears further down than the rest), have you tried
> a few others?

I tried the whole lot as well as an application called keytouch which
has some more logitech maps supported (but not the model I have with is
the EX110 with US international English layout) with no more luck.

Also, I cannot reproduce the keyscan error by pressing the pipe/slash
key which is making me think that this might be something completely
else. After some minor experimenting, I noticed that;

The arrow keys produce the error in kern.log and so does the printscreen
key. However, they all work, even in the console. But then only produce
the errors when num-lock is off.

It seems to me I have two issues:
1. How do I measure and map the keycodes produced by the "normal"
slash/pipe key to a slash/pipe under gnome/xorg.
2. How to make the keyscan code erros go away if I use arrow keys while
num-lock is off (to be honest, this I can live with!) I am just amazed
that everything works while X is complaining that it doesn't know what
key you pressed?

Any reference to start reading on how xorg/gnome handles keyboards?


> - Raz

Pieter Claassen
pieter at claassen.co.uk
Tel: +31 646 112805
Fax: +44 845 2802423

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