Supporting distro re-packaging (Was: [sclug] Linux Apprentice Wanted !)

Alex Butcher lug at
Tue Nov 7 15:11:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Patrick wrote:

> Should I need to?  I'm neither an Apache developer nor a Debian
> contributor, though I depend on both for a living.  Installing packages
> should not require immersion in jargon.

Pick the right OS for the job. You wouldn't (if you have any sanity) use
Windows to host your application that requires a POSIX API, so why use a
distro that doesn't include the components your application requires?

Best Regards,
Alex Butcher, Bristol UK.                           PGP/GnuPG ID:0x5010dbff

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identity cards and an identity database today is that identity fraud and
abuse is a major, major problem. Now the civil liberties aspect of it, look
it is a view, I don't personally think it matters very much."
  - Tony Blair, 6 June 2006 <>

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