[sclug] World Cafe - London Street

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Aug 2 18:33:05 UTC 2007

I visited London Street (Reading) today and dropped into the World 
Cafe (at the Queens road end). The cafe is very community oriented, 
and I think is open from 11am until late evening. I discovered it has 
Wifi, apparently free, and the staff member I chatted to was a 
supporter of creative commons licenses although had not really heard 
of Linux much at all. Howver  interest was taken when I offered to get 
the laptop (dual boot) out to demonstrate, and I also gave a few 
ubuntu live CDs for their home use. I believe the organisation  - shop 
and cafe - uses MACs.

I began to think that not only would the cafe be a good place for 
advocacy events, but it could be considered as a location for some 
group meet ups.

(The lunch menu was good too)
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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