[Scottish] [OT] Need an ISP

Aidan Skinner scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Aug 28 04:09:01 2002

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On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:52:43PM +0100, William Anderson wrote

> Your only real option, if you don't want forced disconnects (step up NTL,
> Freeserve, BTO, etc), is Demon Internet.  Go with the Premier Connect Plus

I'll second that. Demon are a top-notch ISP, and are pretty unix
friendly as well (not officially support or anything, but it's techys
are generally able and willing and there's instructions for unix
clients on the website).

- Aidan

aidan@velvet.net  http://www.velvet.net/~aidan/  aim:aidans42
finger for pgp key fingerprint |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
01AA 1594 2DB0 09E3 B850       | Marklar Domination, one marklar=20
C2D0 9A2C 4CC9 3EC4 75E1       | smoking marklar at at time=20

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