[Scottish] RH8.0 - Dodgy files on ISO ?

Mark McRitchie scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Oct 21 14:13:01 2002

> Could these people be behind the same transparent proxy? (just playing
> devil's advocate..)

Wouldn't imagine so... Demon and Telewest?

> I know they had some hard disk(s) fail on them a little while 
> back (month
> or so).  I found out because they switched disks and restarted the
> mirroring, but they forgot to mirror RedHat's security 
> updates (!!) Its
> possible the failing disks might have something to do with 
> the corruption.

I've found the site ridiculously slow for apt-getting from of late :(

> Either way, its slightly scary and an example that digital 
> copies aren't
> necessarily impervious to copy degradation ;^)

At least its easy enough to check! Mind you, I never check the GPG/PGP sig
on the md5's when getting ISO's. And apt-get automagically checks the md5's
in .debs...

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