[Scottish] FlameWar: Window managers
scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 29 11:10:01 2003
> Until I get a new job I ain't going to be upgrading my hardware, so I'm
> thinking I might just put on a different Window manager (mwm works - but
> its just so ugly - and I need a launcher and file manager). Any
> recommendations for something thats easy on the eyes and the hardware?
I currently use Fluxbox and am very happy with it - I originally used it
because it was fast on my P200, but I still use it on my Athlon 1900+ since I
like it. It supports multiple desktops, tabbed Windows (I think this is
great). When you right click on the desktop you get a application menu. It
doesn't come with its own file manager, but I used to use Rox with it (nice
and fast).
I have also had good results with Xfce which looks a bit like CDE has a
launcher and filemanager, plus other goodies.
Another good, fast desktop environment is IceWM which is a bit closer to Gnome
if that is what you are used to.
If you are feeling hardcore then there is always EvilWM and Ratpoison.