[Scottish] defy id card meeting

Alice sei531 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 4 18:40:53 GMT 2005


 --- Colin.Speirs at scotland.gsi.gov.uk wrote: 
> Bearing in mind I'm a Civil Servant and thus manage to maintain public
> neutrality on this issue with all the aplomb the job entails I assume
> then that this restriction will apply to me, as an employee of the
> Government seeking to introduce this measure?

Thats up to you. If you don't want to come because it'll risk your job, then
you shouldn't come. Otherwise, how would anybody know you're a civil servant
if you keep your head down?

> Would I  have to show ID to prove that I didn't work for the Civil
> Service?

The meeting's in a pub, its not in some knock 5 times, roll up your trouser
leg and say the secret password private club.

This is not related to Colin's email:
If someone's sole reason for coming to the meeting is to be disruptive or
argue about the cards, than obviously I'd rather they didn't show up, because
this is a relaunch meeting for a campaign group, and it'd be a bit
disrespectful of everyone's time, as well as self important to think that the
most important use of our collective time is to argue with a single person,
when there's 5 million other folks in Scotland, and 58 million in the UK as a
whole. Its also a bit arrogant - I'm sure you are a unique and special
individual, but maybe we have thought of and already discarded those points.


"I give mankind no more than a chance in a thousand. But I would not be human if I did not place my stake on this one chance." Albert Camus

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