[Scottish] New Thread: I apologise.....

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Thu Mar 8 16:27:33 GMT 2007

William Anderson wrote:
> babaguy wrote:
>>  Dear Alan, and All,Thank you for your encouraging and helpful replies earlier today, which I am trying to follow and use to track down needed information.
>> SORRY to have annoyed you and other SLUGgers - 
>> It's really not "brain-dump," simply another approach to communication and learning / thinking / processing information - more language- and word-based than computer- or mathematical - concept-based.....
> I take time out of my day, usually a lunch break or coffee break, to
> read mailing lists such as the ScotLUG list.  If I have to spend longer
> than I have to to decipher an e-mail, I'll be less inclined to compose a
> reply, much less help out.

I've just realised something after Paul sent me an email direct, as
opposed to the list ... the myway email interface munges the plain text
section of the email something fierce, while the html rich text part
looks just peachy (apart from the fact it's html).  This is a key issue
here, as the list by default strips attachments and html mime parts from
inbound messages.

Example (I hope Paul doesn't mind me reproducing bits here!), from the
HTML part:

Dear William,

Thanks for your e-mail - In the end I burned one more ISO CD and that
one has worked! The Kubuntu is installed.

... and from the plain text:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mail.well.com id

Dear William,Thanks for your e-mail - In the end I burned one more ISO CD=
 and that one has worked! The Kubuntu is installed.I tried Suse a few yea=

no wonder Paul's messages look completely hosed when they reach the
list!  I'm not trying to forgive HTML email, or request that the list
behaviour be changed, but until Paul can hopefully find himself a better
mail client than the myway website, let's cut him a little slack ;)

_ __/|  William Anderson      |  Tim: Your cheese game is strong.
\`O_o'  neuro at well dot com | Zane: My cheese game. It's all about the
=(_ _)= http://neuro.me.uk/   |       cheese platter.
   U  - Thhbt! GPG 0xFA5F1100 | -- Tim Westwood, Zane Lowe, R1, Dec 2005

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