[Sderby] Email Services To Windows Clients

David Robson david.robson at virgin.net
Wed Nov 26 18:09:55 GMT 2003

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On Tuesday 25 November 2003 10:27 pm, Roger Shone wrote:
> I currently use vpop3 to provide email services to a windows network at
> the office and am looking to put in a linux server to replace it, as I
> have to shut down the server almost daily due to errors in collecting
> mail / talking to the isp's server etc. It would also give me the added
> benefits of file security etc which is becoming more and more important
> as the business grows (currently files are held on a peer to peer
> machine with a shared folder!).
> Having checked the linux sites on the internet it looks like I'm going
> to have to get quite heavily involved in learning to use both sendmail
> and fetchmail to achieve what vpop3 is currently providing.
> The query is - does anyone out there know either of a user friendly
> front-end for these programs or indeed an alternative solution
> altogether. I am a relative newcomer to Linux having used redhat 8 at
> home - redhat 9 will be the package used to set this up.
> All suggestions gratefully received.


Way back when i started at my previous job, they had a similar setup, and very 
very quickly i got very very sick of the same thing your describing, needing 
to reboot the server just becasue it "hung" when reciving mails ( i found it 
was attachements that seemed to cause it) - but anyway, i switched it to a 
linux server using SuSE 8.0 at the time (i think) using postfix.  The fact we 
also ran some expensive email virus scanner plugin for it, which had to be 
renewed every couple of years was a bonus, replaced it with procmail 
sanitizer ( http://www.impsec.org/email-tools/procmail-security.html ) while 
this isnt actaully a AV product, imho its better, as it dosnt even think 
about trusting files just becuase they dont match a virus pattern, and it 
also prevents all those nasty outlook scriping virus getting anywhere, as all 
the script is defanged before the user's got it.  Bascaily i setup suse on a 
offline box, using webmin for the postfix setup, which was farily easy, and 
once it was ready i just swaped the 2 system over night, noone even noticed 
it had swaped, until my boss asked if i still thought it was worth swapping 
now that the mail server seems to be working ok all the time....... *sigh* :)

anyway - to summarize id personaly recommend:
* SuSE - its nice n easy to setup :)
* Procmail
* PostFix
* WebMin
* Imapd / qpopper (depending on your prefrence) 
* Fetchmail - have this poll the ISP mailbox, and distribute it localy to 
procmail user's - works just like vpop3 :)

(if you want webmail too) 
* Apache
* SquirrelMail

- -- 

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