[Sderby] Email Services To Windows Clients

Rob Keeling rob at rjkeeling.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Nov 26 19:35:17 GMT 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Robson" <david.robson at virgin.net>
To: "South Derby LUG General Mailing List" <sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Sderby] Email Services To Windows Clients

>Way back when i started at my previous job, they had a similar setup, and
>very quickly i got very very sick of the same thing your describing,
>to reboot the server just becasue it "hung" when reciving mails ( i found
>was attachements that seemed to cause it) - but anyway, i switched it to a
>linux server using SuSE 8.0 at the time (i think) using postfix.  The fact
>also ran some expensive email virus scanner plugin for it, which had to be
>renewed every couple of years was a bonus, replaced it with procmail
>sanitizer ( http://www.impsec.org/email-tools/procmail-security.html )
>this isnt actaully a AV product, imho its better, as it dosnt even think
>about trusting files just becuase they dont match a virus pattern, and it
>also prevents all those nasty outlook scriping virus getting anywhere, as
>the script is defanged before the user's got it.  Bascaily i setup suse on
>offline box, using webmin for the postfix setup, which was farily easy, and
>once it was ready i just swaped the 2 system over night, noone even noticed
>it had swaped, until my boss asked if i still thought it was worth swapping
>now that the mail server seems to be working ok all the time....... *sigh*
>anyway - to summarize id personaly recommend:
>* SuSE - its nice n easy to setup :)
>* Procmail
>* PostFix
>* WebMin
>* Imapd / qpopper (depending on your prefrence)
>* Fetchmail - have this poll the ISP mailbox, and distribute it localy to
>procmail user's - works just like vpop3 :)
>(if you want webmail too)
>* Apache
>* SquirrelMail
>- -- 

I can second this one. I run a school mail server with 1400 email boxes on a
suse 8.2 box
running postfix, cyrus Imap and squirrelmail. Works a treat!

My home system runs the same but uses fetchmail rather than smtp delivery.

All works perfectly, and if you don`t need filtering works from a standard
install of Suse.

Rob Keeling#

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