[Sderby] Suse help!!!!!!!!!!!!

simon lewsley simon at intecomp.com
Mon Mar 14 13:52:48 GMT 2005


May I suggest that you learn a bit more about computers and maybe even
go back to windows (waits to get shot for that comment) either that or
change your books cos there is a steep learning curve to Linux even with
the more windows like distros such as suse and mandrake (mike don't u
dare block my email for the suse comment :P). Any one can use a Linux
box as a desktop which im assuming is what you want to use it for but to
actually set it up and to make items like printers / scanners work
(which is esp a pain when the manufacturer doesn't support Linux) can be
troublesome and relies on some basic principles to assist you. For
example if ur graphics are not right then u need to try changing the
drivers (are us using an NVIDIA card? If so are u on nv driver or the
official NVIDIA one? Same applies for ati) or ur res in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf or XF86free depending on what ur sys uses, if you
cant received emails then is your pop3 server accessible? Can you ping
it / telnet to it? Did you mis type the addy or is the firewall blocking
it? What are ur internet problems? I assuming its routing and u have dns
if your able to send emails (I assume ur sending to a dns name not an
ip) so sounds like something specific to http or port 80 its using,
again firewall config is worth checking. 

I suggest throwing individual questions at this list if you do want to
continue with getting ur Linux install right and work on one at a time,
describing the problems, any errors and paste any relevant parts of your
logs. At least that way u learn it for urself. Just remember to ask for
a bit of an explanation as to why its happened, of course u could just
cheat and ask for specific config files. google is also a good resource
(google for your distro and printer model IE  gentoo-2004.03 hp DeskJet
5530 and im sure there will be a guide online offering step by step



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