[StAndrews and Fife LUG] plugins
David Tillotson
standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Apr 14 23:45:01 2003
In message <200304142315.52547.brian.duncan@fife.co.uk>, brian duncan
<brian.duncan@fife.co.uk> writes
>yes, I see Mozilla, and tended to use that, but didn't have Java or
>flash, so was
>attempting to upgrade to a later version as I thought it would then work.
It may be worthwhile checking Opera (v7.1 for Linux is currently a beta
release, but better than some "final" software from a certain convicted
monopolist IMHO!) I use it almost exclusively no matter which OS I am
running. Only pain is the bank (uses ActiveX for some bizarre reason -
they say for security reasons!) and some "let's check the browser before
allowing entry" systems (anyone from Scottish Power on the list?)
\Jumps off soap box.
>(why do sites have flash ! ;o[ )
\Jumps back on!
"Flash lets you do all sorts of fancy stuff, so we'll use it"
"The Flash Player is easily available, so we'll use it"
"I need to make it interactive, and can't be bothered to learn DHTML,
PHP, Perl, or anything like that. I'll use Flash"
I have heard all of the above first hand. Usually from the same people
that insist that Dreamweaver is a great WYSIWYG web creation package, as
if such a thing were actually possible (although MX does have *some*
nice features, I must admit!)
David Tillotson