[StALUG] trying out Gentoo

Jim McLaren Jim at blackfingernail.com
Thu Aug 12 11:41:52 UTC 2010

On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 12:10:54 +0100
Rory Beaton <rb36 at st-andrews.ac.uk> wrote:

> Interesting...was this the 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7? I was trying
> with 64-bit and I kept having the problem of the installer "losing"
> the source drive/directory.

64bit. Sounds like you either have a dodgy DVD or DVD drive. That would
be the first thing I would check.
> I agree that USB is an issue - I spent too long trying to get the
> guest OS to see my graphics tablet and security dongles are a
> nightmare!

Everything works fine under 3.1, although I haven't tried my graphics
tablet admittedly, but scanner, pen drives Palm treo sync cable and
other things all work fine. Upgrade to 3.2 and nothing gets recognised
on any guest system, be it Windows or Linux.

Jim McLaren
Cults Farm

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