[Sussex] JBoss start guide

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Apr 3 13:08:59 UTC 2003


On 03 April 2003 at 12:31 Dominic wrote:
> I found this pdf quite helpful, It is out of date, but to be 
> honest it isn't that inaccurate...

Thanks - I lasted looked at JBoss in the 2.x days.
But I'm not sure after surfing the index that this is what
I'm after.  Writing Java (even EJBs) doesn't scar me.  My
basic questions are how do I install them in the JBoss 
environment so I can run them?  Sun's J2EE tutorial sort of
explains how to use the deployment tool.  What's the JBoss
equivalent?  If you can answer that then you have been a
big help.

> What are you going to try using JBoss for?

To be honest I just want to play.  I like developing and for
apps I know prefer Java to C++.  Manly because it's faster.
J2EE allows rapid development of an application (one with a
database as the back end) which is I haven't developed before.
Basically I'm trying to become the all knowing oracle on this
list that some already thing I am ;-)

>                                             The great thing 
> about it is, it is not a single application, but a suite of
> apps for all thing J2EE.  Like a kind of Apache.org for J2EE.

Sounds better than the Sun offering then.  


> The JNDI implementation that JBoss uses is IIOP rather than
> the more standard RMI that JAVA would normally use.   I
> found this a real pain, but in truth it is more flexible
> for true distributed environs.  RMI makes Java-Java simpler
> though :)

I though that RMI was switching to using IIOP as it's data
transfer protocol.  I have to admit that I haven't used RMI
only CORBA (on C++ and Java) which is where IIOP comes from.
> JBoss should install 'out of the box' really.  If you install 
> from source, you will need Apache Ant (IMVHO the most cool
> build tool in the world!) and a number of other dependancies
> (Xerces XML Parser I think is one of them).

Hay, I'm a Debian guy not a Gentoo guy.  The binaries will do
me fine.  But I do agree ant is cool.  I'm not sure I want
to stop using "make" in C/C++ environment but for Java it 
works better than make so I use it.

> Theres loads more to discuss about JBoss given time...
> (My next project I hope will use JBoss for Web Services.
> - XML, XML and more XML :) )

I'm sure we'll "talk" more.  At the moment I have to get my
first EJB working :-)


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