[Sussex] I have a cunning plan...

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Wed Dec 3 14:24:27 UTC 2003

> This is part of my plan,  My idea is to send a txt to an email address
> which triggers a script to set up a number of things, including the
> kettle and possibly something like xmms tuned to the radio, hence the
> idea of procmail activating the xAP as well as various other tasks.

Fair enough.

> Haven't got a clue if this is possible

Should be, unless there's something REALLY nasty in procmail. Frankly, I
trigger a lot of xAP stuff from Apache just by cgi-binning out and running
"xAPsend" as a binary :-)

> Does it have a website? I'd be very interested...


you may find that http:\\patrick.lidstone.net (one of the more active xAP
developers) is useful - he's far more linuxy than most of the others.



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