[Sussex] End of Week Rant

Nik Butler nik at wired4life.org
Sun Feb 9 20:46:01 UTC 2003

Welcome Fellow Simple Linux Enthusiast to Cowboy Niks 50pound Rant.

So whats the week been like to those online and in clue in the community

Well fun stories in the online world suggest that those canny Japanese
fellows will be backing the Open Source Community by putting money into
using Open Source in the Consumer products
( http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/07/2125218&mode=thread&tid=106 ) 
I just wonder if the Japenses when getting into doing this will make the kernels smaller, and more effecient,  than their US counterparts ?

But back to the list.

Well the Mo juice of conversations this week seem to cover Mark ( My curtains are controlled by Skynet ) Harrisons request for a Distro ( http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/sussex/2003-February/001458.html   ) . Mark gave a tight
spec and requirement. Neil ( Debian, its just another word for BSD )
Ford suggested FreeBSD, but being all good Dobson followers we ignored
him. Mark Eventually took to the darkside and followed the "More German"
Linux and considered Suse. So its Yet. Another. Suse. Termination there!

We all joined in the Chorus of rants raves and excitement bitching about
Companies who Practice one thing and preach another (
http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/sussex/2003-February/001468.html  )
as (y)Actus yet again posted ( and we note correctly recognised ) a sermon
about Open Source and its benefits, just as they installed Win2k on the
file servers and Exchange 2k on their mail servers. Did we mention that
they neglected to open the relevant ports on the firewall ? hehehe
anyway every one bitched, nick apologised to all and then

Nik Converted yet another customer to Linux (
http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/sussex/2003-February/001475.html  )
so thats "another" no brainer reason to move to open source... Seriously
though I getting tired of discovering Netgear RJ428 ISDN Routers on

Meanwhile NewHavens ( ? ) latest uber geek Adam Smith revealed that he
is subverting the zimmer frame carrying masses by looking for ways to
move them to linux (
http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/sussex/2003-February/001485.html   )
presumably once he has them using Open Source hes looking to let them
rename their ambulatory devices to Ximmer Frames, but Adams one of
many, many, Technical acolytes that MS must be fearing by now.

Not a real busy week, and I have left a few holes. 

Kudos to George ( he lurks but he reads ) Hibberd for taking time out on
Saturday to sit with Me and Matt to do Cash Flow analysis. Which for
those in the know consists of talking about money you know your going to
make but cant talk about till two months after you made it , but thats
okay cause it all goes into the bank about a month after  you bill it
and 30 days before you know about it ..... and they say Computers are
confusing! Then Again my Wife actually understands this stuff which
having been married to me for well over 8 years explains quite a lot

Here ends my weekend rants. I was going to get away with not mentioning
CNX but then I realised that having watched Tenchi In Tokyo for the best
part of a week, that the Japanese and the Americans approach to
storytelling is almost as different as the Distros approaches to
networking ... BSD and Linux, american Comics and Manga.... now theres a

Well Over to you , Geoff, Steve, feel free to find out how this affects
the global domination of the world.......

finally a small moment of reflection

Seven , trained, professional and capable people lost their lives this
week. They all new the risks and understood the gains. Lets hope we
learn from the tragedy and recognise that .
With Great power comes Great responsibility

My thoughts go out to the families and friends of those Astronauts.
( http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/shuttle/  )

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

apt-get install zoe-ball
 To many unmet dependancies.
 installation failed.

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