[Sussex] Appology / continuation

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Thu Feb 13 11:58:01 UTC 2003

>> I've NEVER valued MCSEs... There was an article in one of the
>> rags recently
>> about how personnel managers valued MCSEs above Degrees... I
>> laughed so hard I
>> cried :-)
> I think MCSE is total waste of time.  For one I done have one, the
> person who had contract here before me did.  When ever he here something
> goes big time wrong with servers, in which me who doesn't have MCSE has
> to fix.

In the practical sense, all the MC qualifications are a waste of time, and
I extend this to the Sun ones too. They look good on a CV, which is all
Microsoft cares about. They want their money off you for the course, but
don't care too much about the content. After all, they aren't looking to
turn out Microsoft Gurus from a short course.

I worked with two people in my last job that were Sun certified, but
didn't know the basics of SysAdmin skills, nor could they deal with
complex things. They didn't even know about the man command.

Qualifications are no match for experience in the field, its as simple as
that. If you can show that you are capable of doing something by your own
actions, that should carry a higher benefit than having a piece of paper
saying I passed this course.

Being unemployed though, makes you wonder why Unix Sysadmin jobs with
'must have mcse' are even worth putting out on the net.


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