[Sussex] [SWRU] Microsoft is From Mars, Open Source is from V enus.

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Mar 31 11:18:00 UTC 2003


On 31 March 2003 at 10:53 Mark Harrison wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 08:50:07PM +0100, Nik Butler asked:
> > Of all the tee-shirts I saw that night only one had a reference
> > (that I got) to both animals and geekdom - and that was Geoff's
> > Gentoo tee shirt.
> I draw the panel's attention to Phillippa's romper suit, 
> which was clearly labelled with a "wombat" logo.
> I contended, at the meeting, that Wombat was an OpenSource 
> computer package.
> Wombat is a servlet engine for Perl. It provides a servlet 
> container that implements an adaption of the Java (TM) Servlet API 
> Specification to Perl. The engine is designed to run in many different
> deployment configurations: embedded inside a protocol server, standalone
> with an external protocol server, or standalone with one or more
> internal protocol listeners.
> http://wombat.sourceforge.net/
> I will concede that my claim that Wombat was OpenSource was 
> NOT in fact based on knowledge of this servlet engine, but on
> Meta-knowledge of the OpenSource community. Specifically induction
> rule 72, which states:
>     "Look, it's an animal - some bugger must have released a 
>      package named after it."

A strong argument.  However, I do see some problems with this:

1). A romper suit is not a tee-shirt.

2). Was Phillippa at the meeting or only at the place her parents
    were at?

3). I didn't see it - as judge I can only rule on what I saw.

However against these arguments is a very powerful one from by Debian
side:  Don't let Gentoo win!

In the interests of fairness I will allow others on this list to add
to the argument before making a ruling.


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