[Sussex] Debian install - No sound

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at krasnegar.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 6 20:25:01 UTC 2003


On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 07:38:14PM +0100, John D. wrote:
> On Saturday 06 September 2003 12:30 am, you wrote:
John, you know how little things can really, really bug you, and I
know I'm being really, really pickie, but I can help myself 'cos it
really, really bugs me (so I applogies in advance for any offence
given - non is/was indended).

I seen that you use "you" when repling to the list.  As the list
has many subscribers which "you" are you refering to?  Okay I know
it's me, but others may not.  I just think it is more polite to 
name the person you're replying to.

<snip the bit that now works>

> > Now see if /dev/dsp exists.
> >    $ ls -lL /dev/dsp
> >    crw-rw-rw-    1 root     audio     14,   3 Jan  1  1970 /dev/dsp
> So, when I do the above, I then get this
> john at debian:~$ ls -lL /dev/dsp
> crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   3 Jan  1  1970 /dev/dsp
> john at debian:~$
> > If you see this your up and running.  
> Not quite. I now have the system sounds i.e. opening/closing apps, the start 
> up/log in jingle and so on, but
> I can't manage to get the kscd cd player to play an audio cd.

This is now a simple fix, and one of permission.  The user "john" does not
have permissions to read or write to the sound device so the system is not
letting you.

To fix this use:
  # chmod 666 /dev/dsp

For more information on "chmod" use the command:
  £ man chmod

That *should* get you up and running.


P.S. Where did you find the KDE 3.1.3 debs?
Debian Tip of the E-Mail:
Debian Hint #21: If your Debian box is behind a slow network connection,
but you have access to a fast one as well, check out the apt-zip package.
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