[Sussex] Dell Latitude C640 versus C840

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Aug 15 20:26:19 UTC 2005


On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 08:59:08PM +0100, Frances Fleming wrote:
> However, this laptop will mainly be used for carrying around, and weight
> is a definite issue. For example, when I was in London every day one
> week in July, my laptop (Toshiba Tecra 8200) carrycase strap made my
> shoulder sore, and nearly pulled my arm out of its socket if I carried
> it by hand, and that was only the first day. It was just from my house
> to the station, from Victoria onto the tube and off again to an office
> across the way. I used a trolley bag from day two onwards, but still had
> to carry it up and down interminable tube steps.

I know what you mean.  I now use a backpack carrier because this spreads
the weight evenly across both shoulders.  I find it much more comfortable
(even if it is not quite so professional looking - but I consider a 
comfort more important than looks).


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