[Sussex] More confusion with linux apps (nothing new there!).

Rupert Swarbrick rupert.swarbrick at lineone.net
Thu Aug 18 09:23:20 UTC 2005

>>try Kanotics as it's debian based, uses "proper debian" repositories
>>for APT, plus a few other positives. Has anyone heard/tried it ???
> Have you tried Ubuntu? It's a very nice distro, simple to use and still
> Debian under the hood if you want to mess around with it. Probably more
> support and better features than smaller debian based things (or if the K
> signifies you are a KDE person, there's Kubuntu, which is a semi-official
> alternative version that has KDE as the default desktop instead of gnome).

Also, it doesn't break if you redirect it to the debian repositories for
software instead, so if you want to change to 'almost-debian' again,
it's the work of 10 minutes!

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