[Sussex] Email processing scripts

Mark Harrison (Groups) mph at ascentium.co.uk
Fri Aug 19 15:48:04 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 14:42 +0100, G.J.Teale wrote:
> Suggesting that 
> Steve would be friends with anything quite so foul as Perl is really 
> beyond the pale!

Dear Sir,

I am writing in connection with G.J.Teale's letter of the 19th August.

His characterisation of Perl as "so foul" is something I must protest. 

We believe that everyone, no matter how misguided, is still redeemable,
and it is, of course, that they will one day see the light, and come to
Python in the name of our Lord, John Cleese.

I myself was a PHPite when younger. I say this with no pride, only
humble repentance.


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