[Sussex] network problems + how to solve ???

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Feb 5 18:43:52 UTC 2005

On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 21:43:27 +0000, Richie Jarvis <richie at helkit.com>  

> I recently had a very similar sounding problem with my (at the time) Zen  
> ADSL connection.  Do you experience noise on the telephone?  Like  
> crackling?  If so, then you are having the same issue I had - i.e. a  
> problem between yourself and the exchange.
> To solve this, I phoned BT - they test the line (which came out ok on  
> the remote test) then they tell you that if they find the fault with  
> your equipment the call-out fee is £150.
> The best thing you can do prior to calling them is to borrow a known  
> good phone, and a known good router - take everything off the line  
> except the item you are testing, and test it in isolation.
> To confirm the fault prior to an engineer coming round, I plugged a  
> spare phone in, and still heard the crackling like mad (the BT help  
> centre person could even hear it) - so they sent a an engineer round  
> (actually, it took them 2 tries, and knocking the electricity out before  
> it was fixed - long story) and over the course of the next month they  
> replaced the entire cabling and ducting between the internal house  
> point, and the junction box in the road - which fixed the issue.
> I read that some of the new call ID signals, and SMS facilities can  
> affect some routers whilst I was investigating my problems.
> I hope you manage to get your problems fixed!

Well, between the excellent advice from Richie, Matt, Nik, Steve, etc etc  
(thanks one and all, much appreciated), I'll get the new box face plate  
type microfilter. Even though I just got 2 more of the block type plug in  
(no pendant wires) from Solwise (who also mentioned the possibility of the  
sky box).

Yes I am getting intermittent crackling on the line (so that's another  
possibility). My line in is "overhead" so yet another possibility.

Also, yes please Steve I'd appreciate that a check of the different kit,  
it'd be one more thing removed from the possible equation. I'll pop over  
to the "show" tomorrow.

The last ??? for the moment, is that does terminal gear like modems and  
routers actually have "REN" ratings????? or would that just be specific to  
audio telephone kit ???


John D.

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