[Sussex] Another place called home

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 20 17:38:36 UTC 2005

> Its just that now I have Ubuntu installed, and my original install of
> Gentoo as well as Win2k, and wanted to share docs in a straightforward
> way (and yes not scrub them everytime I pull the plug on a distro).
> Ubuntu installed like a dream.
> Anybody else have any experience of installing / configuring / using
> Ubuntu?

I installed Ubuntu on my notebook after I did an:

emerge -e world

on the existing Gentoo installation which then lead to a nightmare 
compile and general flakiness. The Ubuntu install is pretty painless, 
but didn't detect all my hardware. Then there was that irritating (but 
understandable) disbled root logon on start up. I gave it some time and 
effort but all the time I was thinking "now if this was Gentoo I'd do 
this..." and not "how do I configure Ubuntu to do this....".

Anyway, gave up on Ubuntu and tried Fedora Core 3. Very nice eye-candy 
wise, but still a few performance/config problems. Still thought as above.

All this prompted me to go back and try another Gentoo rebuild. I did a 
bit of reading on the Gentoo forums and found this:


To me (near-expert Lart Clayton clone) it seems that some of the 
packages in Gentoo are undergoing some fairly fundamental changes. 
Compiling with gcc-3.4.3 (as opposed to 3.3.4) raises issues, as does 
the change of x11 libraries location in xorg-x11 >?6.8.1. Emerging with 
a comprehensive set of USE flags means that there are some circular 
dependencies that will need to be resolved. Qt and doxygen is one 
example of this. Some judicious use of "USE=" on the command line has 
got round this though.

The toolkit and system emerged flawlessly, largely because I used a 
limited number of USE flags for these stages. It's only the world emerge 
that has caused problems, and once the problem packages (qt, doxygen, 
freetds, openldap, +) have been emerged individually the rest is so far 
trouble free.

So hopefully my Gentoo install will now behave itself - or maybe it was 
because I threatened it with a large SUSE 9.2 Pro retail box!

Fun eh?

> Thanx for your help.

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