[Sussex] sudo

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sun Jan 23 01:37:10 UTC 2005

Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 01:12:14AM +0000, Richie Jarvis wrote:
>>So, my question is whether sudo will still allow this sort of
>>behaviour - I don't want to lock them out of their boxes, just out of
>>the fileserver.
> You can configure sudo to do all manner of things.  You can tell sudo to
> allow a user (or groups of users) to only run certain applications.  Of
> course, this might allow them to access information across the NFS share
> -- but then the problem doesn't sit with sudo, but how you have
> /etc/exports defined on the NFS server.
> -- Thomas Adam
An interesting point.  I suppose I could restrict access using 
/etc/exports - however, that is a royal pain in the butt!  I share 2 
directories - /store and /home.

/store would be relatively easy to nobble, as there are few dirs in 
there, and the people who want their data private are on windows anyway.

/home is a different matter, as I would have to share each home 
separately and restrict each user.

I also see on the sudo website that any shell capable prog will not be 
stopped if it uses static libaries - bugger.

Any bright ideas?


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