[Sussex] (no subject)

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Sun Jun 5 15:01:30 UTC 2005

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 14:06:19 +0100
"Mr. Tommasar" <tommasar at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Dear SLUG,
> The hard drive on my PC has stopped booting up in Windows XP Home. 

And this is a problem because...? :op

>I have  tried everything to start it. There are a great number of files
> on this hard  drive that I do not wish to lose, but currently cannot
> access via XP; and  therefore I do not wish to reinstall Windows XP on
> this hard drive and run  the risk of losing them. I have bought the
> Knoppix CD at a recent computer  fair, and (brilliant) this has
> allowed me to read all these files. But  UNFORTUNATELY it will not let
> me copy or move them onto a recently installed  additional hard drive
> also running XP (i.e. read-only). A colleague has  informed me that
> this is because I was running Knoppix from the CD and that  I need to
> install it on a hard drive in order to be able to copy or move  files.
> I have installed yet another hard drive with the sole purpose of 
> using it as a Linex drive, but when I tried to installed Knoppix onto
> this  hard drive using the instructions provided by SLUG, I get the
> message “Open  disk, read-only, you have no permission to write”.

IMHO, the easiest way to do this is as follows:

1. Boot Knoppix from CD
2. Format the new LINUX hard-drive as ext2
3. Mount the Hard-disks on separate mount points
4. Copy the files from the Windows Disk to the Linux disk
5. (if you have too) re-install Windows XP onto the windows Harddisk

Knoppix is designed to run from CD, so although it can be installed onto
your harddrive, it should handle all of this from the CD Drive.


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