[Sussex] Curious happenings doing gentoo kernel upgrade?

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Mar 18 13:29:14 UTC 2005

Ho hum!

Did the daily "emerge -uD world" yesterday, which kicked out a kernel 
upgrade (from 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 to 2.6.11-gentoo-r4). So I just did my 
"usual" and opened the gentoo kernel upgrade guide to follow that and 
having done the cd, made the new symlink, and run genkernel, everything 
seemed to go fine.

When I try to boot the new kernel it starts to "play up" inasfaras the 
natsemi module for my ethernet card starts then fails. It's still 
showing in the modules autoload file.

What do I need to check/look into to sort that?

Erm, I did also try to see if things would still work by trying to 
emerge the nvidia kernel to compile the module for that kernel version 
but it just throws out a "gcc mismatch" which I don't understand either.

for the moment I've reverted to using the 2.6.10 kernel, so I can use 
the system.

Any ideas please ???


John D.

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