[Sussex] Podcast - DRAFT "actor's release"

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Oct 10 08:40:40 UTC 2005

Morning Mark

On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 08:59:26AM +0100, Mark Harrison (Groups) wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 21:50 +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > 
> > Yes.  I would like just one document that has every contributors
> > contribution.  For example it would start:
> > 
> >   "We, the undersigned, ..."
> > 
> > Much less paperwork if every has to sign only one piece of paper.
> I guess that the only issue is that it's reasonable to expect every
> person to have a copy of "their" contract that matches the "central"
> copy.
> If we add names to the central copy because someone else comes along,
> then it might be necessary to send out copies of the new doc to
> everyone.

Or at least a copy that has the signatures of everyone else that signed
at the same time.

> If it's a records retention issue, I can offer a free service. I have
> plenty of filing cabinet space, and my PA could easily cope.

Centralisation.  This I want to avoid.  While I do appreciate the offer
I don't want any part to become dependant on just one person because 
people do disappear from clubs and groups.

Centralisation has shown itself to be a very poor way to control dynamic
structures - just look at the various problems with DNS and it's central-
ised authority system.  I'm sure that you wouldn't want to have to find
me if you wanted to put out the Mark H version of the podcast just because
I had the master copy of the license.

> The change I _should_ make is to make the "programme" stuff plural. ie -
> one piece of paper per person, but covering EVERY Podcast we make...

This one splits me.  I've been thinking of one document per podcast.  Part
of me says that I may not want to sign away my rights to have my work 
used on future podcasts - while we may want that for parts (titles, music,
etc) I may not want my name associated with SLUG after I have left.  Of
course if we allow derivatives then that trumps that.  Give me time
to think about that one.

BOFH excuse #351:

PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)
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