[Sussex] Amanda - spaces in filenames in the disklist

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon Jul 10 10:24:40 UTC 2006

Hi Karl

On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 10:25:14AM +0100, karl at jorgensen.com wrote:
> Hi!
> On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 12:49:20PM +0100, Ronan Chilvers wrote:
> > I know there are a few people on the list who have experience with
> > amanda and I've got a very irritating problem with the disklist.
> > Basically the backup paths I want to use have spaces in them, sometimes
> > double spaces.  I've tried
> > 
> > /some/path/with some spaces
> > /some/path/with\ some\ spaces
> > "/some/path/with some spaces"
> > "/some/path/with\ some\ spaces"
> > 
> > and none of them pass amcheck.  At the moment I'm remounting the top
> > level folders elsewhere with mount --bind and backuping up using the
> > remount, but this is an annoying hack.  Anyone know how to get this to
> > work properly? I'm using version 2.4.4p3.
> I doubt whether Amanda supports this - the amanda faq-o-matic doesn't
> look promising:
>     http://www.amanda.org/fom-serve/cache/392.html

Yeah, saw this too... that's where I got the mount --bind tip from...

> I had a look at the debian source for 2.4.4p3-3 and as far as I can see 
> [server-src/diskfile.c line 297ish], there's no provision for backup
> paths with spaces in them, nor can the path name be surrounded by
> single/double quotes...

So the disk entry is taken verbatim as it is written... Hmmm... seems like 
a weakness to me... I don't put spaces in paths or filenames but users do 
all the time... this is a fileserver for Mac OSX Clients... seems a bit odd 
that the amanda team haven't included it in such an excellent piece of 
software... any rationale behind it do you know?  I guess there is an implicit 
assumption that the backups will be of whole drives rather than particular 
directory trees... the sample disklist only has a single example of a directory 
backup rather than a disk...

Thanks for looking into it so thoroughly!  Much obliged.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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