[Sussex] A little translation please

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Jun 23 05:22:44 UTC 2006

Hi Guys

I need some help.  I'm writing a web system and to do this correctly I
need to translate a few words, phases and sentences.  I've used
http://world.altavista.com/tr to convert to Frence and German but I can
never be quite sure that it's done a good job as translating back the
other way doesn't always give me the English I expect.

So if any of you kind people that can check the translations and post
back any corrections I would be grateful.  I am not just limiting this
to French and German, if you speak any other languages and would like to
submit them too I'll code them in.

Thanks for your help


admin.label = Administrate

login.title         = Login
login.username      = User Name:
login.password      = Password:
login.button.submit = Login

logout.title   = Logout
logout.success = Logout successed.
logout.options = You may now either \
                 <a href="/manual/select/">reenter the on-line \
                 manual system</a> or go to \
                 <a href="http://www.google.co.uk">somewhere \
                 else</a> on the web.

loginError.title    = Login
loginError.failed   = The username/password pair did not authenticate.
loginError.tryAgain = Try again.


admin.label = Administez

login.title         = Ouverture
login.username      = Nom d'utilisateur:
login.password      = Mot de passe:
login.button.submit = Ouverture

logout.title   = Deconnexion
logout.success = Vous avez &egrave;t&egrave; d&egrave;connect&\egrave;.
logout.options = Vous pouvez maintenant r&egrave;introduire \
                 le <a href="/manual/select/">syst&egrave;me manuel \
                 en ligne</a> ou essayer \
                 <a href="http://www.google.fr">quelque part \

loginError.title    = Ouverture
loginError.failed   = La paire d'username/password n'a pas \
loginError.tryAgain = Essai encore.


admin.label = &Uuml;ben Sie aus

login.title         = Logon
login.username      = Benutzername:
login.password      = Kennwort:
login.button.submit = Logon

logout.title   = Logout
logout.success = Sie sind heraus geloggt worden.
logout.options = Sie k&ouml;nnen entweder das \
                 <a href="/manual/select/">manuelle on-line-System</a> \
                 jetzt wiederbetreten oder \
                 <a href="http://www.google.de">irgendwo sonst</a> \

loginError.title    = Logon
loginError.failed   = Das username/password Paar beglaubigte nicht.
loginError.tryAgain = Versuchen noch einmal.

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