[Sussex] Call for Speakers
Alan Pope
alan at popey.com
Fri Jan 19 00:36:26 UTC 2007
On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 15:32 +0000, Steve Dobson wrote:
> Alan
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 02:27:13PM +0000, Alan Pope wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 00:11 +0000, Steve Dobson wrote:
> >
> > > If would like a talk about a particular topic then please feel free to
> > > ask. I can't guarantee that it will happen, as someone has to be prepared
> > > to give the talk. But one never knows, perhaps there is someone out there
> > > that would say "I could give that talk, but I didn't think anyone would
> > > be interested."
> > >
> >
> > Would it be worth having a page on the website listing "talks wanted"
> > and "talks offered"?
> Personally I don't think so. We have not got any WiKi software running
> on the site yet so any page would have to be manually maintained.
Indeed. Of course at this point I feel compelled to pimp wikis and
http://hants.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MeetingSuggestions/Talks which
is what we use to track talks requested/offered. To be honest it doesn't
get changed much, just when someone thinks up something they'd like to
hear about or talk about.
> I could add a required
> talks bit to the exiting Moot page, but so far
> very few people have asked for a particular talk so I'm guessing that
> it wouldn't get a lot of use.
Yeah, and there could be some duplication as you mention with other
local LUGs.
> I would also like to visit other clubs and give some of the talks I've
> given in the past to them.
Please email committee at hantslug.org.uk if you fancy coming to Hants LUG.
Let us know what you can talk about and the chairman will let you know
if it can be accommodated. I will also let the chairman know (cc this
mail) so he is aware of the potential communication.
> I think that this would be a very good way
> to encourage interLUG communications.
Definitely. Two HantsLUGgers gave talks at Surrey LUG at the last meet.
If it is practical and possible then do it! :)
> The first problem is how to get those that are prepared to travel and
> talk in contact with those clubs that would like to host. Alan, you're
> probably better suited to figure this out. Would just a WiKi page on
> lug.org.uk do, or just posting to lugmasters?
Right now I guess the lugmaster is the way to go. In the (not distant)
future there may be a wiki where this kind of thing can be collaborated
on, but right now there isn't.
> The other problem is budget. I don't mind travelling as long as my out
> of pocket expenses are covered.
Interesting. Do Sussex LUG cover your expenses when you talk for them or
go to a BCF meet? We (Hants) have never paid anyone (that I remember)
although an offer was made to a speaker, but he would be coming from
Personally I wouldn't expect any LUG outside my "home" LUG to pay my
expenses any more than I would my own. I drive ~45 miles to HantsLUG
meets and it's "only" 47 miles to the Sussex one from where I am. I
would feel somewhat churlish to ask Sussex to pay anything to me. Maybe
that's why we (HantsLUG) money in the bank - we never spend it ;)
> Would locals hosting be prepared to
> offer a spare room for the night? We need something that allows us
> all to communicate and set this up.
If your meets have beer & food arranged afterwards this would be a
fantastic arrangement. To be able to go, give a talk, have a chat then
have a beer and not drive home afterwards would be a great way to spend
a day in my opinion.
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