[Sussex] Linux wireless support - Realtek rtl 8187 B

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Tue Aug 19 17:25:09 UTC 2008

Hi Steve

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 17:29 +0100, Steve Redshaw wrote:
> what distros would other recommend for a green Linux explorer? I
> suppose there are strengths and weaknesses in all, I'm not clear
> about the different basic types of Linux (Debian, Ubuntu?), different
> distros use different ones I think?

That is a really difficult question to answer.  It's a bit like trying
to answer the question "What's the best car for me?" when I know nothing
about your situation.  If I told you to go out and buy a two seater
sports car then that isn't going to work if you've got four kids to cart

There are a number of ways of picking a distro.  You could go by the
packaging system that is used to install the software.  Some packaging
systems are better than others.  Which is best is kind of a religious

You could pick based on the "Free is Good" political argument.  Again
another religious war in the making.

In the end I don't think it really matters.  Go out on to the net and
just read some reviews.  Find the reviews that mostly closely match your
own views on what is important.  So long as the distro is one of the top
five or ten you should be okay.  All have the pluses and minuses.

If you can install it on a laptop and get along to a meeting or two then
that will be a big help.  It is much easier to fix a problem if the
system is there in front of you.

Steve Dobson

A man with one watch knows what time it is.
A man with two watches is never quite sure.

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