[Sussex] Printing [Was: Linux wireless support]

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Tue Aug 19 17:31:22 UTC 2008


I like to discourage thread hijacking manly because it makes the
archives difficult to search and follow.  As this question is about a
different distro and problem than the one you started on wireless
support it should have it's own thread.

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 17:29 +0100, Steve Redshaw wrote:
> a problem that has just occurred on my Sony Vaio running Mandriva
> 2008.1 is I've lost all printing capability, don't know if its due to
> an update or what, my printer appears on the printer hardware screen
> of Mandriva Control Centre, but there is absolutely no response when I
> send a document to print
> how can I fix this?

CUPS has only worked for me when it comes to printing.  Things I've
tried to get working using the Gnome printing tools and failed did work
when I used CUPS.

CUPS is almost always installed.  I would be very surprised if it
wasn't, but then I don't know Mandriva at all.

To use CUPS point the web browser on the Sony to:


Try creating a new printer in there and using that.

Best I can suggest.  Hope it works.

Steve Dobson

Dealing with failure is easy:
Work hard to improve.
Success is also easy to handle:
You've solved the wrong problem.
Work hard to improve.

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