[Sussex] Portugal's Socialist Party Against Creative Commons Licences

'Fay Zee' sussex at eglug.org.uk
Tue May 3 23:44:03 UTC 2011

I am a supporter of Creative Commons Licences. If this story proves to
 be correct, the Portuguese Socialist Party will push for the
 illegalisation of Creative Commons Licences on the grounds that they
 "harm culture". More exactly, the illegalisation of any attempt to
 voluntarily distribute, or cause to be distributed, material of
 own creation without recompense.

 This is not entirely new, but a debate was held on Monday.

 The actual announcement is on the Portuguese Ministry of Culture's
 official website at
 but I can't read Portuguese. There is a part English report in the
 following blog entry dated May 2nd:

I have sent this in to the Register in the hopes they will cover it.

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group


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