[SWLUG] any suggestions of a web host for a charity site ?

Gareth Lewis Gareth.Lewis at patent.gov.uk
Thu Jun 5 09:36:49 UTC 2003

Hi All,

I've promised to build a little web site for a small charity - nothing too complicated - just general info, news/events
and pretty pictures etc.  may possibly want some form of interactivity in the future - I don't think any online selling will ever be needed, but possibly something like a guest book, or form filling for info / competitions etc. might be needed. (possibly a maillist ??? )

so I'll need 5-20 Mb for lots of pretty pics etc. and 2 domain names pointing to the same intro page (cymraeg/english). possibly php / cgi / perl to mysql or something. 

any recommendations for hosts ? 

will these 'free hosting'  type of places be too much hassle ? 

I guess I need to ensure that the domains are actually registered to me and not anyone else. 

it's a small charity and I'd like to keep costs down. (if it's cheap enough - I might absorb the costs myself anyway). 



PS,   two that have been mentioned are uklinux and getdotted (?)  
also,  I should get around to grabbing my own personal domain name for the other bits and bobs I do - what are these places like that just provide a redirect dns to another dns - do you get to have the dn registered to you or the company ? 

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