[Watford] Installiang Debian

Matt Marsh matt at mattmarsh.net
Fri Apr 7 09:33:16 BST 2006


> Well I have now built and installed the Kernel.  I have no idea what
> it was doing during that hour or so it took to make/compile it but
> it worked first time.

Well, it was compiling and linking and things :) Congratulations on
building your first kernel, give yourself some geek points :)

> One problem which, I think, you predicted, it will not use the
> resolution 1280 x 1074 in KDE. For some reason that displays
> 800x600 as the highest setting.  I edited the XF68Config-4 and
> knocked out all other options then narrowed the horizsync/vertrefresh
> and it worked for a short while then reverted back to 800x600.

Odd that it should revert back. Did something update the XF86Config-4
file and put things in there back to the original settings? One tip
on Debian is that if you want to go through the wizard-like setup
again like you presumably were prompted with when first installing
the xserver you can do: "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" (I think
that's the right name for the package on sarge IIRC).

> The next project is to get the sound card working.  I might need
> some help with that.

Hmmm, pity that didn't work by default with the sarge install, but
yeah I'm sure we can help you get it working. Just start by giving
us some info about the sound card that you have in there again.

Am I the only one who seems to find audio setup on Linux still a
bit hit & miss? It seems every time I mess around with my systems
a bit I manage to break the audio setup a bit :(


Matt N. Marsh
Email: matt at mattmarsh.net         GoogleTalk: marshmn at gmail.com
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