[Westwales] WWLUG IRC Channel

Matt Moore nx060 at lamp.ac.uk
Thu Apr 22 10:12:07 BST 2004

>  This is mainly for Matt ( I think it was ). I had some time to spare so
>searched google for "web based irc" which resulted a whole load of sites
>you can go to and get free access to irc channels.  Took all of 30secs.
>You should be able to get through your firewall with one of these.
>  HTH

Thanks for taking a look.  The biggest problem with the results you get 
back is that they are all channel specific.  Using the CGI:IRC 
program.  However I do remeber a site I used to use a few years ago 
www.mouselike.com which does offer a free IRC service (which can be rather 
sporadic).  It is the only one I've ever come across which isn't 
channel/server specific.

However I will be getting a server soon.  So I should be able to use that.



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