[Wolves] Our Website
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Dec 5 20:42:01 2002
Jono Bacon spoo'd forth:
> 1. You have access to the system in which you can
> hack the code when logged in as SSH. This will work
> but you will need a user account.
Wurble! Hack the live version directly? This sounds like the Path To
Downtime to me ;)
> 2. I tar you up a copy of the DB and code and you
> hack it on another machine and send me patches.
> 3. We set up a CVS server in which you can hack at
> the code and the changes will be automatically checked
> out.
A Subversion server instead? It's loads better than CVS (really!)
Why am I not surprised that Microsoft would make these things HTTP
Equivs? What next? Extending HTTP 1.1 so that "GET" is followed by "or
-- Steven Champeon <schampeo@hesketh.com>, webdesign-l