[Wolves] ip forwarding, Smoothwall
Wayne Morris
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Oct 11 15:12:01 2002
Any ideas pls.
I'm trying to run a webserver from home on Blueyonder.
Using uk2.net (where my domains are usually hosted), to forward to my fairly
static IP address.
1) If I connect webserver direct to net, everything works fine when using IP
2) If I try to use web-forward, it works but subdirectories unbrowsable ie
web forward only seems to acknowledge top level directory.
3) Ditto when my php/mysql server inserts the http;//www.domain.co.uk into
paths for images , these result in the correct url for the image but cannot
be seen. If I use the ip address in the script for pages all works ok.
I guess 2 and 3 are the web forward problem, any better ones out there, it is
also much slower with forwarding.
4) With smoothwall in the path, everthing slows to an absolute crawl, but
basically the same results as above.