[Wolves] MacOSX....*droool*

Chris Procter wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Aug 14 11:44:00 2003

I dont have time for text editing, I'm too busy trying to beat my high score
in tetris mode in emacs.


-----Original Message-----
From: fizzy [mailto:fizzyorguk@yahoo.com]
Sent: 14 August 2003 11:08
To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: RE: [Wolves] MacOSX....*droool*

 --- Chris Procter <Chris@foxonline.co.uk> wrote: > 
> Possibly but that makes it considerably more
> lightweight then some desktop
> environments I could mention... Anyway how can
> anyone not love a text editor
> that can psycoanalyse you, beat you at gomoku, and
> then read your mail?

Perhaps you want a text editor to, erm, edit text


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