[Wolves] Zaurus

Adam Sweet wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Aug 22 11:04:48 2003

 --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote: > 

> Why? I have no intention of chucking mine in the bin
> and buying an
> overpriced underfeatured iPaq. :) I've never needed
> to talk to Sharp
> about it or ring any support helplines; I'd say that
> our LUG is one of
> the most concentrated Zaurus user groups in the
> country, and Dan's a
> l33t expert on stuff like OpenZaurus...we've got,
> what, four Zauri?
> Jono, me, Simon G, Dan? That's *loads*.

I actually got half way through a mail saying I had
found some news reports citing what we had already
concluded and that I myself had concluded that the
Zaurus community is still very active and so there was
no need for me to be wary about buying one. I didn't
mail it because I assumed that no-one wuold be
interested in me saying what everyone else already
knew. I still aim to get one soonish.




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