[Wolves] activists linux...
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Sep 12 13:38:08 2003
12/09/2003 12:30:06, "Chris Owen" <Chris.Owen@wmro.org> wrote:
>Point b: Definitely disagree on this one. You and I buying fair traded
>goods isn't going to change the world, but it will begin to change the
>lives of some people for the better, and the more of us do it, and the
>more we do, the more change there will be.
but the whole point of greenwash idea is that its a safe means of expression for
dissent that is perfectly accommodated by capitalism, in fact *necessary* for it to
survive. If it got to the point where it actually threatened big changes then the game
would alter - actually this has already happened - instead or organic being promoted as
a solution for a substainable method of feeding people, we are now being fed the line
that GM is actually the only way developing companies can feed themselves, and not only
that but we are immoral if we have any reservations whatsoever about this. Never mind
that GM will lock entire countries into specific corporations products year on
year.Never mind that it will coincidentally create vast profits for western companies
that the host nation won't see a bean of. (please note , i am not against genetically
modifying stuff because its not *natural* - i think thats nonsense, we've been fiddling
for years, i just don't trust companies like monsanto to have the interest of the
worlds poor very high on their priorities)
>Ideological purity has a very poor track record of putting food onto
>plates IMHO.
thats true. But the bigger issues will have to be faced at some point..