[Wolves] Air that I breathe

fizzy fizzyorguk at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 19 09:09:38 GMT 2004

 --- Peter Cannon <peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk>

> It all started as a Joke (but never again (abandon
> all humour who enter
> here) it starts too many soap boxes) 

OK, so here you say it clearly, no more jokes in this

> No, while I don't know your age I suspect your
> younger than me and don't
> need to know about sex just how to administer
> Rohypnol.

...and then you accuse bambam of rape.  That's a
rather serious allegation, do you have any evidence to
back up your claim?

>  Hmm two pedantic's in one group now there's a
>novelty. (see previous postings)

Have you ever thought that perhaps it wasn't everyone
else who was wrong, it might be you?

> When you've got the cradle marks off you're arse
> then come and talk to me.

Oh right, you're older than him, therefore you know
more about everything, great way to win a debate...


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