[Wolves] Wolves LUG wifi network

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Tue Mar 23 13:04:34 GMT 2004

> Oh boy, well its about 47 miles... *counts* I have no idea ;)

I'd be more worried about hills and stuff being in the way - wifi can't 
penetrate much (anything containing water pretty much kills the signal).

> Have a look at http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/weblog/view/wlg/448 One of
> my friends did it, and it worked wickedly! He used it to send the Wifi
> signal to the other side of his street so he could use the Net at his
> grandparents...

A normal access point can reach across the street! We used to do this in 
Aberystwyth, and it worked fine.


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