[Wolves] Basic programming language for linux

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Aug 18 00:25:51 BST 2006

On 18 Aug 2006, at 00:08, Andy Wootton wrote:

> "Yuck! Don't learn BASIC! Please! I first learnt to program in  
> BASIC, when I was about 12, and it took me years to repair the  
> damage it did to my programming instincts. BASIC makes it easy to  
> program badly and almost impossible to program well. See here  
> <http://www.catb.org/%7Eesr/jargon/html/B/BASIC.html> for a few  
> reasons why.
> There are some BASIC variants that aren't quite so bad -- MS Visual  
> Basic is vaguely tolerable, since it doesn't enforce line numbering  
> and has vaguely non-gruesome handling of subroutines and variable- 
> size arrays -- but they're still fundamentally BASIC-based.
> I'd suggest Python as a good, clean, simple, morally right  
> beginner's language, which will enable you to get simple programs  
> up and running fast without permanently stunting your programming  
> skills."

I disagree. BASIC is so simple to program in, you can get the classic  
hello world, what is your name' things running in a few minutes.

This inspires you to learn 'better' programming languages as you have  
the confidence that you can do it. My first programs were written in  
MS Basic and 6502 assembler and it never did me any harm.

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