[Wolves] BBC iPlayer woes...
ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Sat Jan 26 18:12:01 GMT 2008
On 26/01/2008, Rob Broadfield <rob.broadfield at googlemail.com> wrote:
> My understanding is that FUD is scaremongering by M$ (not lists of
> users) about alleged infringement of their patents by Linux - not
> problems. Although, it may apply to lists - I'm not a member of an M$
> based list so I can't comment.
Nope, the word FUD actually has a definition
Microsoft does not have a monopoly on this anacranim it can be applied
to any organization that 'gives out information' even the Linux
community, shock horror!
> I haven't seen much applause lately. Some flaming maybe (leaving me
> wondering if one or two of the members of this list are M$ trolls -
> LOL).
Ah its good to have a little 'blood letting' now and again, I doubt
theres any M$ trolls here or on any Linux list for that matter, stands
to reason if a Linux user wouldn't be seen dead on a Microsoft mailing
list then the same goes for any M$ user.
Dick Turpin
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