[Wolves] Linux Academy free courses

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Apr 11 15:39:41 UTC 2019

On 11/04/2019 12:53, Adam Sweet via Wolves wrote:

> At some point in the ten or so years since I last paid attention, one of
> the guys went his own way and left the other to manage Jupiter
> Broadcasting. Last November or so they announced that Jupiter
> Broadcasting had been acquired by Linux Academy and since that time,
> have started numerous other podcasts, taken on the very British Joe
> Ressington of Late Night Linux (formerly of Linux Luddites) and started
> various other initiatives.

Isn't Bryan Lunduke with Bad Voltage any more? He was Chris's partner on Linux Action Show. Ah how we all love Bryan. The man who wanted his listeners to pay him to [sit on his backside and] podacst long before Patreon was a thing. Breating you listeners for keeping their wallets firmly dug in their pockets worked well on that one. Or that time he decided to change all his open source projects to proprietary? Good old Bryan. ;-)

> One of those initiatives is offering free Linux Academy course content
> and this month, those include:
> Ansible Quick Start

Ansible: It's what all the cool kids use, I use it so I must be cool? I use it with the four playbooks I have. That's the thing about Ansible once you've got your stock of five or six playbooks there's not a lot else you can do with it unless you spin up LAMP'S and WordPress sites every day. :-)

Peter Cannon

IRC: dick_turpin @ freenode.net
Podcast: http://tdtrs.co.uk

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

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