[Wolves] New toy
Stephen Parkes
sparkes at westmids.biz
Thu Jul 18 20:04:50 UTC 2019
On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 20:25, Adam Sweet via Wolves <
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
> On 18/07/2019 17:47, Stephen Parkes via Wolves wrote:
> > On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 17:35, Adam Sweet via Wolves <
> > wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
> >
> Wow. No wonder she tells you you can't buy any more until you finish
> some of them off (to paraphrase).
it's a sickness
If I'm not thinking about a couple of projects at once I start thinking
about everything else and end up depressed but I can't finish anything
because I hate endings.
> If you don't mind saying while it's in development, what's the premise
> of your game?
It's a port of the arcade machine Nibbler. The Speccy never had one so
it's long over due.
> I'm expecting to move house soon and it means I'll have to no excuse not
> to move all of my remaining stuff out of my parents loft. Amongst it is
> a ZX81 and Spectrum +2 with a sackful of games on cassette. They were
> both working last time I touched them, but we're talking about 15 years
> ago.
> probably best to replace the capacitors before plugging them in :)
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