[Wolves] Linux talks for day job.

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 12:25:01 UTC 2023

On 21/09/2023 09:45, Simon Burke via Wolves wrote:
> Hi guys,
> So I've been convinced to help run a series of talks at work relating to 
> Linux in general.
> My topic of choice is 'Linux for Windows Administrators'.
> I have the basic outline, but I thought I'd post and ask for suggestions 
> of what kind of things to include?
> Initial ideas are along the lines of:
> * Disk layout (not going into great depth, but touching on 'everything 
> is a file')
> * Updates and patching.
> * Powershell and bash. Plus some command equivalencies.
> * Dare I touch text editors, as a lifelong vim user?

Apologies for late response, I've been away until yesterday and I'm just 
catching up.

As Carles said, I think logging is a useful topic. Windows users are 
often baffled when things go wrong and don't realise there is some 
pretty decent logging that will quite often tell them what the issue is. 
For a short talk, the logging location and overview of tools to view 
them should do (more/less/tail/grep).

I agree, for servers, teaching the GUI is pointless. Aside from not 
being how you manage a Linux server, the various Linux GUI tools are 
constantly changing with new ones arriving and older ones getting 
dropped out.

Perhaps something about managing daemons with systemctl and journalctl.

Text editing is unavoidable I think. I prefer vim too, but nano might be 
an easier entry point.

I'd think a few minutes on Linux being important as the enabling 
technology behind Google/Facebook/Amazon and the whole git, Github, 
cloud, AWS/Azure and devops zeitgeist.

For other suggestions, I have a 3 day Linux training course. The outline 
is here if you wanted to steal some topics:



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