[Wylug-discuss] Sound Recordings

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Fri Jan 27 21:10:33 GMT 2006


Some of the previous ShefLUG meetings that were probably the best of 
the past three years have been made available for download in the 
form of audio CDs.  You can download them from...


The contents of these downloadable images is as follows...

Ted Tso - the 2.6 Linux kernel..
Richard Stallman - A talk at Sheffield Hallam University about the 
status of software patents in 2003 - bit out of date but still 
interesting to listen to..
Professor Patrick H. Stakem - The use of Linux in space..
Robin Rowe and Gabrielle Pantera - Linux at the movies
Jeremy Allison - Talk about Samba 3 and what's new in Samba 4 at the 
University of Sheffield Department of Engineering.  Bit old now but 
still good.

These are provided by ManLUG and the Manchester Computing Centre.  If 
you want to thank anyone for these recordings you should send your 
thanks to them.



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